
ALL babies need protection from RSV – not just premature infants

RSV can be serious for babies and children of ALL ages. Respiratory Syncytial Virus – also known as RSV – is a common respiratory...

Stay safe and vaccinate: the risks of natural immunity

COVID-19 vaccines save lives, prevent serious complications, and are the safest way to build immunity to COVID-19. COVID-19 is not “just a cold.” According...

Flu vaccines DO work, here’s how we know

Flu vaccines are recommended every year because they save lives. Every fall and winter, influenza viruses circulate in North America. Before the flu season...

Why “it’s just flu, no big deal” is a dangerous myth

Despite what you may have heard, flu IS serious. Every flu season, we hear the same myth circulating: “Flu isn’t that serious.” You might...

“Words Matter, but Actions Matter More” – A Parent Advocate Explains Why She’s A Clinical Trial Participant

Dr. Maurine Neiman is a professor of Biology and Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Iowa. She also serves the University...

Celebrating 30 Years of Saving Lives through the Vaccines for Children Program (VFC)

August is National Immunization Awareness Month, a perfect time to reflect on the strides we’ve made in protecting our children’s health and to celebrate...

Changing Minds Starts with a Story: VYF’s SQUAD™ Program

Deaths caused by vaccine-preventable diseases aren’t a thing of the past. It’s an uncomfortable truth, and one we’ve all been challenged to face in...

National Infant Immunization Week 2024

¡Protecting our bebés, one shot at a time! #ProtegeATuBaby National Infant Immunization Week 2024 kicks off on Monday, April 22. The #ProtegeATuBaby campaign is...

Ethan Lindenberger Wants to Help Stop the Lies About Vaccines

You may be familiar with Ethan Lindenberger, the eighteen-year-old who got himself vaccinated despite his parents’ anti-vaccine beliefs, and who most recently appeared before...

The Vaccine Mom Explains Cloth Face Masks During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Cloth face masks are now recommended by the CDC to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The Vaccine Mom, a molecular...