Pregnant Women

Let’s Talk About Flu Vaccine Effectiveness

Editor’s Note: As of June 2022, the CDC announced new data that shows that the flu vaccine’s effectiveness this year was about 35% against...

Everything You Need to Know About the Latest COVID-19 Booster Recommendations

Are you boosted against COVID-19? Do you know if you’re eligible for your second booster? We’ve pulled together the information you need to understand...

Important Things to Know About Monkeypox Right Now

  With so much information spreading (not all of it factual) here are the most important things to know about monkeypox right now:  ...

Immune-Boosting Tips to Stay Well This Winter

This post was originally published with MediaPlanet in the Winter Wellness Issue, and was written by Vaccinate Your Family.  Are you more likely...

The Public Health Emergency is Ending, but COVID Remains a Threat

The Public Health Emergency (PHE) declaration is ending on May 11, but COVID remains a threat. The PHE was first declared in 2020 in...