Children's COVID Vaccines

Over 3 Million Children Under 5 Have Had COVID

Unfortunately, nearly 1,000 of those children lost their lives. Others have long-lasting effects from the virus just like adults. Luckily, a safe and effective vaccine can help prevent children’s hospitalizations and deaths.

Mocha Moms, Inc. has teamed up with Vaccinate Your Family to get the word out about the COVID vaccines for children five years old and younger. Read on to learn more.

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Learn More about COVID-19

Vaccinate Your Family and Mocha Moms, Inc. want to make sure you have the information you need to make an informed decision about vaccinating your child. We have gathered the resources below to help you learn more about both the virus and the vaccine.

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You have questions? We have answers! Learn more about COVID-19 and the vaccines that can protect your children.


Free Vaccines

The Vaccines for Children Program ensures all children can receive vaccines regardless of their insurance status.

Happy African American baby girl

Ready to Vaccinate?

Find out if your child is recommended to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Join Mocha Moms!

Mocha Moms, Inc. serves as the premier organization for sisterhood, support and service for mothers of color.  Mocha Moms, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, gender, socio-economic level, education, or religion.  Anyone who supports the mission and purpose of Mocha Moms is welcome to join.
