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Latest Immunization News

With exciting advancements in science and technology, there’s a lot of immunization news to keep up with. Vaccinate Your Family publishes updates on recent vaccine recommendations, immunization trends, disease outbreaks, therapeutic innovations and much more.

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Immune-Boosting Tips to Stay Well This Winter

This post was originally published with MediaPlanet in the Winter Wellness Issue, and was written by Vaccinate Your Family.  Are you more likely to get sick during the winter? Yep – more viruses are circulating this time of year. Give your immune system a boost. With the winter months comes flu season, and in recent […]
Updated COVID vaccines now available for everyone 6 months and older!
Updated COVID vaccines now available for everyone 6 months and older!
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The Truth About Autism & Vaccines

Understanding autism, what causes it, and what doesn't. A guide created in collaboration with the Autism Science Foundation.

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