SQUAD™ Program

SQuaring Up Against Disease (SQUAD™): a program for people who want to get involved in supporting vaccines & science

About the SQUAD™ Program

SQUAD™ members are passionate about protecting individuals and families against vaccine-preventable diseases because many of them have been personally impacted through loss or survivorship. Our advocacy program provides a scalable and sustainable platform for advocates who want to get involved in supporting vaccines and science. As part of this program, SQUAD™ members are trained, mobilized, and empowered to share their stories, educate their peers, and help reignite a culture of immunization at national, regional, and local levels.

Connect: Vaccinate Your Family engages impacted individuals and families through outreach and community building. 

Train: Our staff provides SQUAD™ members with necessary training to empower them to take on their desired advocacy efforts and activities. This includes comprehensive education about the most important and current topics in vaccines and the diseases they help prevent. 

Engage: We match advocates with storytelling and community-level advocacy opportunities through VYF’s network, supporting them each step of the way. This includes participation in campaigns, placement of Op-Eds, speaking opportunities, and more. 

Support: Our support for advocates is ongoing. We build relationships that last, with periodic touchpoints through a support group and dedicated staff liaison. 


Explore Personal Stories from SQUAD Members

Personal Stories


Marcelina’s story as told by her sister Angelina. 
Personal Stories


Maurine lost her two-year-old son, JJ, to flu. As a research scientist and biology professor, she’s helping to educate others about the importance of community immunity. One area of particular interest for Maurine is why certain, otherwise healthy children may be predisposed to severe flu-related outcomes. Read JJ’s full story here.
Personal Stories


I had suffered four miscarriages prior to getting pregnant with Callie. So to have her, was truly amazing. I called her our “miracle baby”. Callie’s story, as told by her mother Katie.   
SQUAD™ Advisory Committee

Vaccinate Your Family’s SQUADTM is SQuaring Up Against Disease. Each SQUADTM member has been personally affected by vaccine-preventable diseases and, together, they work to ensure other families are protected against these dangerous illnesses. Several of the members have graciously volunteered their time to lead the SQUAD’sTM efforts.

Becky Crane
Becky Crane
Maurine Neiman
Maurine Neiman
Jennifer Romero
Jennifer Romero
Dr. Jeb Teichman
Dr. Jeb Teichman
Katie Van Tornhout
Katie Van Tornhout
Amanda Wilson
Amanda Wilson
Maria Young
Maria Young
Francesca Testa
Francesca Testa
Impacted by a vaccine-preventable disease?

Get Involved

If you have been impacted by a vaccine-preventable disease – whether through loss or survivorship – and are interested in getting involved with advocacy opportunities by joining Vaccinate Your Family’s SQUADTM, please contact advocacy@vaccinateyourfamily.org.

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