Art Caplan: How a zealot’s word led us astray on autism

By Amy Pisani
I encourage everyone to check out  the article by Dr. Arthur Caplan, director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania, “How a zealot’s word led us astray on autism.”
Excerpt: ‘The [Lancet] language was probably not strong enough. The Wakefield paper killed children and left others deaf and disabled from preventable diseases as their parents, in an effort to avoid autism, left them unvaccinated.”
Dr. Caplan, I applaud you, because I completely concur that the Lancet has not done nearly enough to rectify the damage that has been done to the credibility of vaccines worldwide in major part due to their irresponsible decision to print the “research” conducted by Andrew Wakefield.  It doesn’t take a degree in metaphysics to recognize that the outcome of a study consisting of a handful of subjects perhaps does not represent the larger population.  And that was only one in the many, many faults of the Wakefield study, which has never been replicated, try as several researchers might.
Don’t miss this piece, it may be my favorite of the decade!

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