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Changing Minds Starts with a Story: VYF’s SQUAD™ Program

Deaths caused by vaccine-preventable diseases aren’t a thing of the past. It’s an uncomfortable truth, and one we’ve all been challenged to face in...

Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Update: Risk to Public Remains Low

Public health officials in the United States are closely monitoring a current outbreak of avian influenza A(H5N1) virus, or “H5N1 bird flu”, that is...

National Infant Immunization Week 2024

¡Protecting our bebés, one shot at a time! #ProtegeATuBaby National Infant Immunization Week 2024 kicks off on Monday, April 22. The #ProtegeATuBaby campaign is...

Art Caplan: How a zealot's word led us astray on autism

By Amy Pisani I encourage everyone to check out  the article by Dr. Arthur Caplan, director of the Center for Bioethics at the...

Rights of the Unvaccinated Child: The Role of School Immunization Requirements

This is the fifth post in a five-part series written by guest blogger Dorit Rubinstein Reiss. Dr. Reiss is a Professor of Law at the University of California Hastings College of  the...

Once a Childhood Rite of Passage, Chickenpox is Vaccine Preventable

Most adults recall their experiences with chickenpox with great detail.  I remember that I was visiting my grandparents in Florida and they had planned...

The Nurse’s Role in Immunization Services

To begin our introductions of the Every Child By Two Scientific Advisory Board, I had the pleasure of interviewing one of our distinguished members...

Responsible Nurses, and Then There’s This

Recently a friend and nurse, who I adore, shared a video with me.  Now I know my friend to be a very diligent nurse...

The Chickenpox Vaccine and Shedding Concerns

Recently we received this question on our Vaccinate Your Baby Facebook page: “My daughter and one of our friend’s daughters are the same age...